1176 There was an error when importing some of the addresses
1177 Error manipulating WAB container
1178 This is not a valid Microsoft Internet Mail for Windows 3.1 address book file.
1179 \nndbase.txt
1180 toc
1187 \n
1189 ALIASID="
1190 ALIASOF="
1191 There is not enough memory to complete this operation
1192 NoName
1193 nndbase.txt
1194 I&mport
1195 \nickname
1196 \*.txt
1197 Software\Qualcomm\Eudora\CommandLine
1198 c:\eudora
1199 \Address.htm
1500 Logging in to Microsoft Exchange Profile...
1501 Select the program or file type you want to import address book information from, and then click the Import button.
1502 Importing contacts...
1503 Importing distribution lists...
1504 Error importing to the Address Book
1505 Address Book Import was cancelled by the user.
1506 Address book import process has completed.
1511 Select the program or file type you want to export your address book to, and then click the Export button.
1512 Exporting contacts...
1513 Exporting distribution lists...
1514 Error exporting the Address Book
1515 Address Book Export was cancelled by the user.
1516 Address book export process has completed.
1530 Your address book already contains the entry\n"%1"
1531 Your address book already contains the entry\n"%1", %2
1532 Your personal address book already contains the entry\n"%1"
1533 Your personal address book already contains the entry\n"%1", %2.
1534 Error logging in to Microsoft Exchange Profile.
1535 "%1"\nhas a non-Internet e-mail address. This contact will be imported to the Address Book without an e-mail address.
1536 "%1"\nhas a non-Internet e-mail address:\n%2\nThis contact will be imported to the Address Book without an e-mail address.
1537 "%1"\nwas not imported correctly.
1538 "%1"\nwas not imported correctly. You may not be logged in to the Microsoft Exchange server.
1539 Importing distribution lists...\n"%s"
1540 Microsoft Exchange Personal Address Book
1541 Cannot find Importer DLL: %1
1542 Cannot load Importer DLL: %1
1543 Application Error in Importer DLL %1
1544 Cannot open Microsoft Exchange Personal Address Book: MAPI32.DLL not found.
1545 &Cancel
1546 &Close
1547 Address Book
1548 Exporting distribution lists...\n"%s"
1549 Text File (Comma Separated Values)
1550 Comma Separated Values (*.csv)
1551 Could not create file: "%1".
1552 The file "%1" already exists.\nWould you like to replace it?
1553 Pick the fields to export
1554 Could not find file: "%1".
1555 Map the fields to import
1556 Text Field
1557 Address Book Field
1558 &Select an address book field for the text field:\n%1
1559 You must map fields to at least one of these address book properties:\nCompany, First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Name, Nickname, or E-mail Address
1560 Column %1
1561 There is not enough memory to perform this action.
1562 There is not enough disk space to perform this action.
1563 Import/Export Tool Error
1564 A required component 'wab32.dll' seems to be missing.\nPlease reinstall this application.
1566 Text Files (*.txt)
1567 Could not find file: "%1".
1568 LDIF - LDAP Data Interchange Format (*.ldif)
1569 Netscape Communicator Address Book (*.nab)
1570 The file to import is locked. Please check to see if an application has the file open.
1571 The Windows Address Book is currently unable to perform this export. Make sure you have a Personal Address Book set up in Outlook and that it is set as your current personal address book.
1572 The Windows Address Book is currently unable to perform this import. Make sure you have a Personal Address Book set up in Outlook and that it is set as your current personal address book.
1600 First Name
1601 Last Name
1602 Middle Name
1603 Name
1604 Nickname
1605 E-mail Address
1606 Home Street
1607 Home City
1608 Home Postal Code
1609 Home State
1610 Home Country
1611 Home Phone
1612 Home Fax
1613 Mobile Phone
1614 Personal Web Page
1615 Business Street
1616 Business City
1617 Business Postal Code
1618 Business State
1619 Business Country
1620 Business Web Page
1621 Business Phone
1622 Business Fax
1623 Pager
1624 Company
1625 Job Title
1626 Department
1627 Office Location
1628 Notes
1629 Conferencing Server
1643 Find &People
1644 Locate people in your address book or on the Internet
1645 &People...
1646 For &People...
1800 13
1801 Display Name=Name
1802 Email Address=E-mail Address
1803 Home Zip Code=Home Postal Code
1804 Business Zip Code=Business Postal Code
1805 Job Title=Job Title
1806 Office=Office Location
1807 Business Street Address=Business Street
1808 Home Street Address=Home Street
1809 Fax Phone=Business Fax
1810 Cellular Phone=Mobile Phone
1811 Mobile Phone=Mobile Phone
1812 Cellular=Mobile Phone
1813 Web Page=Personal Web Page
2001 Address Book
2002 The specified file '%1' could not be found.\nDo you want to create a new file by this name?\n\nClick Yes to create a new Address Book file.\nClick No to exit.
2003 An error occurred while attempting to open the Address Book file.
2004 Select Address Book File
2005 Address Book Files
2006 Specify Name and Path for New Address Book
2007 Command line parameters for Wab.Exe are:\n\nNo Parameters Opens the default Address Book\n/Open Shows a file dialog to select an Address Book file\n/New Shows a file dialog to specify a new Address Book file\nFile-name Opens specified Address Book file\nDirectory-name Opens a file dialog to select an Address Book file from specified d